Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Operation F.S.U. - Day 3

After only getting about 4 hours of sleep the night before (going to bed at 6am on the cold floor with only a towel for warmth), I woke up the next morning to some fucker opening the curtains up to a bright ass sun. Unfortunately, me and Girard had to leave way earlier than everyone else, so I missed out on some of the cool stuff that happened sunday afternoon.

This was just before I slapped the shit outta julz. if I have to get up before noon, so does he.

breakfeast of champions. I got one slice in before girard called to let me know he was waiting outside. so i finished packing my bags, and left the palms wishing my trip could have lasted one day longer.

we were stuck in gridlock traffic in primm, so we dropped by the outlets to see what was up. this place was weird as fuck, kinda bootleg if you ask me. but I got my hot dog on a stick on and bounced.

this is what i mean. wtf is golden cuffs?

This is one super legit rest stop, and the last photo of my vegas journey. all good things come to an end, and this trip was no exception. While not everything may have gone to plan, it was still one of the best times I've had. I really do have the best friends anyone could ever have, an something like this past weekend only further proves my point. I wish I could get everyone together like this more often, just so I could sit back and watch the futu

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