Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snow Ballz : Day 1

(when finished, be sure to check out Jomo's Blog for the rated R pics)

here it finally is, the 2010 big bear trip recap. sorry about the delay, but you can't rush brilliance...I'm just saying.

While a lot of the others traveled up to the cabin friday, me, julz, and edric had to go to the Blends 5 Year Anniversary party that night. so after pulling an all nighter friday (packing at 3am isn't fun), I left the house around 6am to go pick up julz, judith, and kev. We couldn't take my truck since the heater's broken, so we decided to rent an suv to take up to the mountain.

after packing up the truck with all our gear, we headed to edric's to pick him up and grab the rental at the enterprise near the airport.

of course, we didn't think of the fact that it was gonna start downpouring.

so, with soaking wet gear in truck, we headed back to edric's to drop off the whip and repack. I got first shift on the drive, and the beginning of our adventure was underway.


somewhere around temecula I think? great omen.


this is the moneyshot for sure. Lake Elsinore, while looking for tire chains, we find this. look closely at that kfc sign, a lil gander if you will. that's right my friends, a kfc buffet. this is one of the most epic things seen in my life. could you imagine the possibilities??? all-you-can-eat biscuits and mashed potatoes anyone?

while in the area, we picked up some tire chains at kragen thinking we were gonna need them some time during the weekend. we also stopped by mcdonalds where I had the shittiest cup of coffee known to man, but I digress.


So, our car ride was an interesting one for sure. The five of us had one of those conversations that can not be recounted in good faith, you just had to experience it yourself. While in the throughs of heart wrenching drama, we drove right by our exit....

by a longshot.

so we pulled over the truck and tried to figure out exactly where we were. of course, this was an excuse to fuck around, including driving off without kev and a quarter mile. and we did donuts and stuff in the gravel too.

then team extreme was born.


we got off to a really late start. so around 11am or so, we started getting texts wondering where we were. so, we decided to tell everyone that we were on the way to vegas near xxyzzxyx road (however you spell it.) this was my photographic proof, since we got lost in the desert. the texts we got back weren't so nice haha



first snow we found on the mountain. we went up the back way through apple valley, so there was no traffic and no tire chains.



And...this is what we show up to. actually, I took like an hour nap and woke up to gian and julz fighting with no shirt and pants pulled down. wtf mate?


The view from outside the cabin when I woke up. We got there just in time really, it would have been a pain in the ass to try and put those chains on ourselves.

this was the first time I'd actually been in a snowfall. and I must say, it is absolutely breathtaking. it's kinda magical I must say. (/end corny)



me and jomo were getting cabin fever, so we went out and started pelting the cabin front door with snowballs, hopefully baiting someone out to get annihalated. we started getting hit by bin and julz in the backyard. fucking dick-for's.


I don't know what to say about this.


The better half of the cabin. who wouldn't want to be snowed in with these lovely ladies.


the homos of the cabin. not so lucky.


let the drunken madness begin.




Sancho the bear was the cabin mascot. poor bear never saw us coming.








strip flip cup. due to uneven matching, the strip part was cut out pretty quick. too bad.






I rigged up the sound system in the cabin so we could have a dance party. me and julz were the only ones dancing though :(


awww pour guil. champagne shower the b-day 18 degree weather. poor guy was trying to get in the cabin but couldn't open the door haha





male bonding between me and kev. team extreeeemeee!!!!




party time photo. more shit went down after this, but you'll have to head to my flickr to see those photos. day 2 in the next post.

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